
Prof. Dr. Aziz Sancar, the Winner of Nobel Prize in Chemistry Visited Bilfen Schools

Aziz Sancar met with students at Bilfen Schools and answered their questions. Upon a student's question: "Many students including myself want to become a scientist. What is your advice for us? Aziz Sancar answered:

"Bilfen is doing a great job. Really, Bilfen is doing a great job in raising scientists. I am not saying just because I am in Bilfen. We were talking about this last night with professors and rectors at İstanbul Technical University...

When I first went to the USA I had a lot of difficulty in doing experiments. In that regard, Bilfen has a great philosophy, congratulations. This will make things easier for you and this ensures that you are prepared. No matter how smart you are, the most significant factor is that you work really hard.