

Assurance of educational excellence through pioneering academic programs...
The primary school program of Bilfen guarantees to support the development of students in all aspects. Besides academic development, our program is based on the objective of instilling a love of learning in children and enabling them to develop self-recognition.

Our goal is to develop the children's ability to comply with the rules of good manners, show empathy, assume responsibility and become persevering, respectful and generous individuals through the "Character Education" activities which play an important role in our program.
Furthermore, our program aims at upskilling children in conflict resolution (mediation), making friendships and knowing how to team up.
In our so-called “School in School” system, strengths of students are focused on with the "Enriched and Deepened Teaching Program of Bilfen". The BİGeP-IPT (Individual Progress Time) activities are developed by identifying all of our students' strengths and students are placed in IPT activities based on the inventory of their teachers' observations. 
English education starts with the "Side by Side" program in the 1st grade. Lessons are taught simultaneously by a Turkish and an English homeroom teacher on a full time basis. Side by Side program is continued also in the 2nd grade.   
In the 3rd and 4th grades, “BE-Jr -Bilfen Enrichment Junior” program is taught. Our English program is based on the CLIL-Content and Language Integrated Learning model starting from the 1st grade.

The purpose of the education program which is taught by specialist subject teachers starting from the 4th grade is to prepare students for the secondary school so that they know how to conduct research, have a strong background and are fully equipped. 


Moreover, the contents of Information Technologies, Visual Arts, Music and Physical Education courses are planned and applied with an aim to support the strengths of students.