The so-called Introduction to Biotechnology program is applied in Genetics laboratories of Bilfen Schools on the basis of "STEM" with the use of high technology devices produced in the innovation centres of Harvard University for the purpose of training the scientists of the future. Our students can practice basic applications of the "Biotechnology" science at the university level in our Genetics Laboratories which is considered to be able to solve many unsolved issues in various disciplines particularly Medicine, Food and Health and has recently become popular. It is aimed at in our Genetics Laboratory program that our students can establish cause and effect relations for some subjects they have learnt in the Biology course and the health problems encountered in today's world. Furthermore, students are allowed to conduct studies with respect to current environmental problems and sensitivity to the environment where they are living. In our Genetics Laboratory, we teach PCR and Gel Electro-Phoresis techniques that are employed in the diagnosis and treatment process of some diseases in research hospitals, universities etc. by using the devices and kits at the highest safety standards. Thanks to our program, we educate students with the principle of "learning by doing" in a laboratory environment which includes the studies of determination of cancer genes, forensic medicine tests, GMO tests, maternity-paternity tests, determination of water pollutants and output of their own genes in tubes.