The only difference between human beings and other living creatures is not such priorities as speaking, thinking, learning etc. The most important difference which distinguishes human beings from other living creatures is the sense of curiosity. The science of biology originated from this sense that encourage a human being to recognize himself in time and biology completed its infancy while humanity was making progress in self-recognition. Growing with the development of technology, this science achieved to generate a solution for all problems resulting from technological developments and become the most popular science of 2000's. For this reason, we have a sense of responsibility to provide a modern biology education and prepare the youth for the future with the most advanced techniques and methodologies.
WE ARE STARTING WITH SETTING FIRE TO SMALL FODDERS for the learning of the science of biology in high school education and expanding students' cognitive skills and world perspective... HOWEVER, OUR PURPOSE IS TO BUILD A HUGE FIRE...
In order to achieve this purpose, the following processes are followed in our school:
The subjects are evaluated in terms of all sciences and dealt with holistically by making associations with other courses as well within the scope of the activities in the biology course.
By following the proximodistal principle in the courses, a gradual shift is applied from tangible to intangible.
Besides the question and answer and expression methods, observations, experiments, researches, discussions and practising methods are employed all of which ensure effective learning for students.
The activities are sustained in a student oriented manner for the purpose of developing creativity and decision making skill.
Biology is used in different professional areas.
Communication, leadership and responsibility taking skills of students are improved in national and international projects and they are provided with the opportunity to socialize with different cultures.
Individual characteristics, interests and abilities of students are taken into consideration besides their general characteristics.
The educational environment is prepared in consideration of health and safety conditions in compliance with the objectives.
Physical security training is provided in laboratories. Students' sense of achievement is supported and their enthusiasm for learning is tried to be enhanced.
It is tried to establish rapport between the student and teacher.
Development of a coherent understanding by student with the natural and technological world is tried to be achieved with a constructive model.
Students are allowed to expand their knowledge by focusing on the variability of knowledge.
Parents are informed about the development of their children and the programs and it is tried to make the learning process more permanent through cooperation of parents with the school in educational activities.
Teaching programs are continuously reviewed and improved in accordance with the necessities of the time.
TYT-AYT (Underlying Proficiency Test-Major Area Proficiency Test) based studies are started at the 9th grade and it is ensured that students gain the targeted success in TYT-AYT thanks to the practices mainly in the final year of high school.