

Our Studies:
  • Student oriented teaching is supported with visual materials. 
  • Students are assigned with projects intended for thinking, researching and learning
  • Study trips are organized in order for students to know the environment better, improve their skills to work on a field and observe and better understand many geographical events onsite.
  • Students are instructed to prepare presentations for the sake of recognizing the world and certain countries better, 
  • Tests and exercises are delivered for the topics of TYT-AYT (Underlying Proficiency Test-Major Area Proficiency Test).
  • Topic supported documentaries and animations are displayed and the topics are ensured to be consolidated on the grounds that our course subjects are very suitable for visuality.
Our Objectives:
  • To ensure that the thoughts, instructions and learned subjects are transferred to life and become permanent,  
  • To make students understand the location of Turkey on the world and its geopolitical importance in terms of regional and global relations,  
  • To assess natural disasters and environmental problems and develop applications for the methods of taking a precaution, 
  • To make students understand natural beauties and historic fabric of Turkey as well as the contribution of tourism to the national economy,
  • To ensure that students raise geographical awareness of our country and the whole world starting from the area where they are living and equip them geographically so that they can spend their future lives in an effective manner,
  • To introduce the countries of the world and our relations with them and teach which steps can be taken for Turkey while it is on its way to the EU,
  • To make students feel the senses of cooperation, tolerance, scientific thinking, love, respect, sensibility, patriotism, peace and responsibility,
  • To bring up modern, secular and creative individuals who can think and interpret what they think, question, have advanced analysis and synthesis skills, lead in problem solving and decision making, are successful in individual and team works and faithful to Ataturk's principles and reforms.